I've been away too long. Sometimes I come to this little place that in the past was often updated and always visited, and wonder where have I been?
It's a bit stale and dusty this little bloggy space of mine. But here I go again! A new year, a new beginning.
Back in October I wrote about my trip to my hometown of Chicago. By the way, I took pics but since my camera stayed behind my phone pics were not good enough for posting.
Anyway, for my trip I decided to crochet myself a Bonnie new sweater. With much enthusiasm and very little time I started to crochet this wrap sweater from the stitch n' bitch book by Debbie Stoller. It seemed to be coming along just fine! But then I decided to try it on before I crocheted the lacy edge.
That's where everything short circuited.
OMG!!!!! It was horrible!!!! My gauge was good, it looked ok, but the fit was really awkward. Too snug in the under arms, the collar was kind of funky, and the sleeves made no sense at all !!!!
Don't get me wrong now, I'm not blaming the pattern, I must've done something terribly wrong!!!
So, after all that work ( more then three quarters of the way). I did the unthinkable, I frogged it!!!! It was very frustrating.
Not only that, but now I'm stuck with a gazillion skeins of red yearn that I wasn't even too sure about to begin with.
Enter, my little Ireland and her love of the color red. My daughter gave me a few ideas, and voila!!!! This little knitted tunic top was the result.
She loves it!!! And I loved knitting it.
One little problem, what will I make with the rest of that yarn? Red isn't exactly one of my favorite colors to wear. I guess I'll add it to the bottom of my stash, who knows what ideas Valentines day may bring. Well my dears, if you have any suggestions please feel free to share.
Have great weekend!!!! XOXOXO
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