a proud papa, originally uploaded by pilgrimgirl.
As I mentioned a few blogposts ago, my #genderd experiment is tomorrow! What I didn't know when I rather randomly chose Sept 1 as the date for this experiment, was that it would involve the celebration of my wedding anniversary.
September 2nd is official 18th anniversary of the day I agreed to tie my life to John's, but we'll be doing part of our celebrating on the 1st. Which means that my tweets might end a bit earlier in the day than I'd originally planned (ahem).
So as a bit of an advance on the actual #genderd, this evening I'm posting this picture of John from not-quite 18 years ago. It was taken the day we brought our son home from the hospital, and it shows an aspect of John that I've adored over the years: he is an excellent parent to our children. And while various gendered expectations for men in our society might prescribe a role of a passive or an authoritarian parent, he is neither of those.
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