I hope everyone had an excellent Easter weekend. Mine was very quiet, and peaceful. Everyone did their own thing this year, and that is just fine by me.
So I finally finished a few little things that where on my hooky. Wheeeew!
First things first, little miss Ireland got a much needed cozy little 3/4 sleeve jacket. For some strange reason, which I have yet to figure out, I feel as though this little one is always cold. Or maybe it's just an excuse for me to crochet cute little things, who knows. At any rate I've already started on another cardi, this one is knitted, hopefully it will turn out ok, my knitting skills are so so. :-/
And I finally finished my granny blanket, yay!!!! The colors are very neutral and tres conservative, and it matches my living room just fine.
Except for reversing a row of grannies and messing up the color pattern, I absolutely love it.
I noticed the oopsie when I was crocheting the last round of the picot edging. I am somewhat of a perfectionist, but, wasn't up to undoing so much, soooo. It will forever bug the heck out of me.
I'll learn to live with it. ( I think )
Well my darlings that is about it for today. I'll finish a few other things as the weeks go by, and of course I'll share them with y'all.
Take care for now and have a wonderful week. :)
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