Jeremy Lin was an unheard name that no one knew. Who was he? What did he do? What had he done? The only greatness to him was that he was the first ever Twainese NBA player. But even that “great” achievement didn’t grant him recognition. It was not until about five days ago where he led the NY Knicks to two wins averaging 27 points. Now he is a State Hero and everyone is hearing his name. He went from D-League bench warming to a NBA starter. And since he has announced his religion as being a Christian, they are calling him a NBA Tim Tebow! To be quite honest the whole thing sounds rather “over extended” but to be honest the kid deserves some credit. He put on some amazing performances and now he is getting the recognition that he deserves. But the only question now is that will he be able to live up to what people are giving him?
If you want some more details on this young man check here.
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